Thursday, February 11, 2016

Remote Control For Kids - Toy and Mini RC Helicopters and Airplanes Spell Fun For Youngsters

Once upon a time, not too long ago, flying remote control airplanes was considered too difficult and costly for all but the most ardent enthusiast. Remote control helicopters were even more demanding and expensive, and neither was an appropriate hobby for non-adults. But in recent years, with the introduction of toy and mini helicopters and planes, all that's changed, particularly where helis are concerned. Today, kids remote control has, excuse the phrase, really taken off.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Remote Control Aircraft Are Naturally Fascinating to Children of All Ages

What happens when you're standing outside with your little one, and you hear the whistling sound of jet engines overhead? Isn't your attention suddenly drawn to your child as they point toward the sky, jump up and down, and excitedly yell "airplane, airplane?"

Nothing compares to the look of utter captivation on every youth's face when they spot an aircraft flying across that blue expanse above them.

My grandson never tires of telling me how he went up for a demonstration flight at the county fair one day. It was his first airplane ride, and one that he'll always maintain as part of his most favorite memories. After the plane leveled out the pilot handed the controls over to my grandson, and let him fly the aircraft for a while. He set his mind before this day to become a pilot as an adult, and I know he'll always cherish flying that airplane at the age of four (I think) as a major event.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Remote Control Airplanes Types - A Brief Introduction

There are many kinds of airplanes around, and there are a ton of options when it comes to buying something that you would like. First the type of airplane is distinguished by two main categorize, the micro RC airplane and the regular RC airplane. Then there are the BNF, RTF, ARF, and the PNP levels within each category. There are so many options that to the new hobbyist it can be confusing. However, once the hobbyist builds a basis of understanding regarding the various platforms, then a wise decision can be reached.

A micro remote control airplane allows a hobbyist to fly the plane safely indoors. They are light weight, great with maneuvers and are typically made of foam. They have wingspans as large as 6 inches, and come in many colors and sizes. The micro RC airplane is extremely adaptable and can be reconfigured easily.

The traditional hobbyist enjoys the regular RC airplane. The idea of a regular airplane can mean many things. But in this instance it refers to the traditional RC airplanes. These items are run on gasoline, heavier and made of metal in some cases. This is in direct opposition to the micro airplanes which, in turn are usually battery operated, and come with a lightweight titanium, or plastic frame or as mentioned before made of foam. The regular remote control planes, can be hazardous because of the gasoline that is used to fuel them; but in the hands of an experienced hobbyists it is completely safe. Thus, the micro versions are the planes of the future soaring around utilizing technology that makes them almost foolproof.